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The Nudgers Knockout 2021

Hosted by the Ordinary Sports Group, The Nudgers KO is back with a bang. Double the entrants; and double the fun. An invite only event where the Nudgers ethos is spread to a wider network of like-minded golfers in and around London. Ding-dongs, amazing courses and a Finals Day like no other.

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The Nudgers Knockout 2021
The Nudgers Knockout 2021

Time & Location

13 Apr 2021, 19:00 – 24 Oct 2021, 23:00

London, London, UK

About the Event

What is The Nudgers Knockout all about?

On the one hand, it's a romantic rewind to the happy days of organised sports at school, where there's that buzz in your stomach as you counted down the minutes until the Maths lesson was over and you ran out on the pitch to take on your local rivals; and on the other hand, it's as close as many of us will now come to playing in a professional environment. Even if you are a pro sportsperson (and there were a few kicking around in the 2020 tournament), the First Round match can get the nerves going in a way that not even walking out to bat at Lord's can create. With videos, exceptional content, stash and live scoring - The Knockout is designed in a way to make you dream.

What is the Paul Crocombe Trophy?

The reward that awaits the eventual winner of the Nudgers Knockout is the Paul Crocombe Trophy. Named after the Dad of Nudger's Chairman Pete Crocombe, Paul sadly took his own life in February 2020.

Paul was an exceptional sportsman and PE teacher to several of the Nudgers contigent. One of those was co-founder Sam Foster, who explains: "Undoubtedly one of the greatest teachers there has ever been, Paul had that ability to balance healthy competition with fun that underpins everything we do as Cultured Nudgers. Above all, Paul put a premium on people and his life was all about creating fun and enriching other people’s experience. Throughout the Knockout, we ask competitors to remember his values and remember his example. When you’re three down with four to play or you have just hit your third shank in succession, uphold everything that Paul taught the Nudgers: smile, be grateful and have fun."

For first round losers, there is a plate competition or 'The Honking Bowl' - which upholds another of Paul's values: no matter what standard or what mistakes were made, everyone deserves a crack or a second chance.

The Nudgers are committed to being a part of Paul's legacy, and as such - a percentage of entry fees and side games will be donated to charity.

How does it work?

The Nudgers KO is an invite only tournament where up to 64 entries will be taken and a draw will be made. Matches are organised amongst pairings. We suggest matches are played in fourballs (alongside another game in the KO), to promote our ethos of socialising and growing the community.

Winners of the First Round matches will advance to the Second Round of the main draw (The Paul Crocombe Trophy). Losers of the First Round, will be entered into the coveted Honking Bowl draw. A straight knockout will follow from there.

Camels and Hosel Rockets

During each match, a small side game is played out. It's a way of laughing at ourselves and using it as a tool to benefit others who need help and support. Every time a ball goes in a bunker (only the two in the match involved, regardless of whether the match is being played in a 4ball or not), £1 goes into the charity pot. The last person in the bunker by the end of match, donates the cumulative total of bunkers ('or camels') to our designated charity. (Minimum donation of £5 per match)

E.g. If Player A goes into 5 bunkers on holes 1 to 16, but Player B slaps one in the sand on 18... he would donate the total of £6 to charity. For any Shanks hit, it's a bonus fine of £2 in the pot. 

How long do I have to play each game?

We always try to add an element of flexibility to these things... Life, work, family can get in the way and we want to avoid byes as best we can. To give some framework, deadlines are set out as below:

Draw - Early May

First Round Matches - By 20th June

Second Round Matches (& First Round Honking Bowl) - By 31st July

Last 16 (& Second Round Honking Bowl) - By 31st August

Quarter Finals (& Quarter and Semi Finals Honking Bowl) - By 31st September

FINALS DAY: Semi and Finals Paul Crocombe Trophy (& Final of Honking Bowl) - October TBC

What is Finals Day?

Finals Day will be held in October 2021 and it is the wonderful culmination of the KO. In 2020, we were treated to a superb day at The Berkshire (PC Trophy Semi Finalists in the morning) and then on to Denham (PC Trophy and Honking Bowl Final), where the remaining competitors join for a lunch and individual competition.

In 2021, another superb venue will be chosen with PC Trophy Semi Finalists playing in the morning and both the Honking Bowl and PC Trophy finals taking place in the afternoon. As a reward for their successes in reaching the latter stages of the tournament, Finalists are treated to caddies in their games and will also have their green fees covered. All competitors will be invited to join for a lunch and a round of their own, before lining the fairways and watching the conclusion of the Finals.

Who are the reigning champions?

The winner of the first Paul Crocombe Trophy was Johnny Griffiths (7 handicap, Minchinhampton Golf Club), after a playoff 19th hole against Tom Wigglesworth (22 handicap, West Herts Golf Club). The Honking Bowl was won by Greg Smith (9, roving golfer) who beat Luka Syplywczak (12 handicap, roving golfer)

How do handicaps work and can I play if I don't have one?

Not everyone can commit to joining a golf club and therefore not everyone has an official handicap. In the spirit of the Nudgers, non-official handicaps can and will be given to any new entrants. With the new WHS handicap system and the bigger movements in handicap index that will be a result of this, handicaps will change from round to round as per these fluctuations. A Handicap Committee is to be established and they will keep an eye throughout the tournament. Essentially, we want every game to be a proper ding-dong and played in the right spirit.

How much does it cost?

Entry into the Nugers Knockout is £30 (for 'capped' Cultured Nudgers, it is £25).

There is also an add-on option to purchase a Nudgers beanie for £15.

Entry contributes to cover the Finals Day green fees for finalists, charity donation and a small management fee (website, videos etc).

For the non-finalists, Finals Day will be a separate payment (lunch and golf) which will be communicated later in the tournament.



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